Sermons from St. David's

Hand Over the Bowling Ball!

Episode Summary

Sermon by The Very Rev Chris Yaw, 4/14/2024, Easter 3

Episode Transcription

Centering Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, may your will be done, through me.



In line at the airport is a short man with a big bowling ball.

He's going from New York to LA -


He walks onto the plane, with his bowling ball as a carry-on - He finds his seat - 

And despite numerous offers from flight attendants, he insists on carrying that bowling ball on his lap - through the entire flight.


People next to him ask him what's up with the bowling ball?

He says he got it from his dad, it's got great sentimental value, so he doesn't want to put it down.


As a result...

He can't put the tray down to eat - 

He can't get comfortable to sleep - 


Finally, someone explains to him - 

'Buddy, the unique innovation of an airplane is that it carries you!

'When you get on board, you can put everything down - bowling ball and all -

'And you let the plane carry you.'


It's a silly story with a serious challenge - because many of us have come onto the plane this morning carrying bowling balls - that we're not putting down!


We have come into this holy place of heavenly rest - 

Where we can finally relax, sit down, get comfortable - 

But we're bogged down with the bowling ball on our laps, hung up and hung over - with regret, worry, grief, remorse, and sorrow -


We can't eat, 

We can't sleep,

Despite the fact that we're in this place - where we're constantly being asked to put these things down - 

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - inviting, urging, offering, pleading, 

For us to hand it over - to give it up - to take a rest - 

In faith and confidence that the one who calls us, cares for us.


So the title of today's message is:

Hand over the bowling ball.


You don't need to carry it.

It's not doing you any favors.

You're in God's hands now - And there's nothing too heavy for God.


Mess up your diet this week?

Dust yourself off, get back on the horse - You can start again!


Say something stupid this week?

It's not the first time - shake it off!

You can't rewind time, learn from it, and move on.

You've got more important things to tend to.


Did you cause an accident resulting in serious harm, or worse?

There may be an entire bowling alley full of balls to hand over!

So - start handing them over - one-by-one - 

It may be a lifelong journey - But you know God's way is the best way.


Whatever you brought into church this morning- 

Isn't it time?

Hasn't it gotten heavy enough?

Are you now ready:

To hand over the bowling ball?




It's just a few weeks after Easter -

And so our readings are about the new chapter of life unfolding for those first believers who witnessed and / or heard about this mystical resurrection - and what it all means.


In our first reading, from St. Luke's Book of Acts - 

We find Peter and John, just a short time after the Resurrection - 

And they've been given power to heal - which they do - before giving the speech we heard - 


Remember what Peter says?

He's addressing a crowd of Jews in Jerusalem - many of the same people who were around when Jesus was doing miracles - and was put to death.


And Peter says:

'Hey, you guys remember when Jesus was being condemned and put to death - 

'And you guys were all in favor of it?

'You shouted 'Crucify him! Crucify him!'

'Well - guess who's back?

'Back again?


'Jesus is back - he rose from the dead!

'And he's still here - in a new way - to heal and transform!'


And Peter does not condemn this crowd of people - the very same ones who had condemned Jesus! But Peter urges them to repent, turn to God, and believe!


"You made a mistake - 

"I'm not going to rub it in - 

"Chances are you're already doing that pretty effectively, all on your own - 

"What I am going to do is ask you to get back up

"Dust yourself off - 

"Get back on the horse - 

"Because there's work to do!"


Maybe those are words you and I need to hear this morning?

As we inventory yet another week's worth of mistakes, miscues, mishaps, and missed opportunities.


Do we need to hear Peter's words to this crowd:

"Quit wallowing in your guilt and regret - 

"And get up - "Get on with it - 

"I'm not calling you to a life of eternal sorrow over the bad things you've done or the good things you've failed to do - 

"I'm calling you to a new life of forgiveness, restoration, healing, and reconciliation!

"Because there's work to do -

"There are people, like you, who desperately need to hear about this - 

"And I need your help!"




We get even more of this from our Gospel reading - 


It's also St. Luke - 

We pick up the story after Jesus has risen but hasn't made himself widely known just yet.


Jesus has walked with Peter and Cleopas on the road to Emmaus - 

Then had dinner with them - 

Opening their eyes, over dinner, when he broke bread and shared wine - 

So only those two had seen him -


Now, in today's reading, Jesus makes himself known to all of the disciples - 

And just like last week - you may remember the first thing he says:


'Peace be with you!'


'Blessings be upon you!'


This is unlike what I would have said - 

Which would have been more like:

"Where the heck were you guys when I was literally getting crucified?

"You didn't call, you didn't write!

"Would it have killed you to bring me a Gatorade?"



Jesus does not rip into the disciples - 

What if Jesus was on The Apprentice?

"You're all fired!"


No, Jesus does not fire them and start over - 

In fact, he doesn't even bring up the past!


He just says,

'Peace be with you!'

'Why are you frightened?

'I know you're freaked out - is it really me? 

'Hand me over the fish and chips and I'll eat it to prove it to you!'


We can only imagine how guilty and sorry those disciples were for not believing?

For not having faith that it would work out?

For not being there for Jesus - as he clearly was, is, and will be, for them?


Jesus doesn't go there - because he wants to take them here:

"It is time for you to be my witnesses to repentance and forgiveness -

"Beginning in Jerusalem and going to all nations."


In other words - I need you to get over yourselves - 

Because I have bigger work for you to do.


Jesus wants us to get over ourselves - 

Because he has bigger work for you and me to do.


I would not be surprised if those first disciples had responded like this:

"But Jesus, we've committed, like, the biggest sin ever:

"We've denied you!

"We ran away like cowards and hid when you needed us most!

"We were much more interested in saving our own skin than yours!"


Jesus says:

"Ya, ya, ya... 

"We don't have time for that - 

"We have a whole world out there that's suffering - they're carrying bowling balls on their laps - 

"And you get it, because you've done it-

"So just like me - don't go around condemning them. 

"Tell them it's ok - peace be with you - and help them put down their bowling balls."




The story is told about two brothers - in England.


The older was handsome, athletic, and smart.

The younger had not been given these gifts, and, in fact, was a little bit slow.

But he had a wonderful voice - and was often heard singing.


As the brothers got older, the older brother went off to boarding school.

He was instantly popular and became a leader in his class.


Two years later, when his younger brother joined him, he was not treated the same.

During the hazing process, this younger brother was picked on - made fun of.

And at one point went to his older brother for help - 

But his older brother, bowing to peer pressure, turned his back on his younger brother's pain.

And did nothing.


Soon after, the younger brother stopped singing.


After school, the older brother joined the military.

He served there for many years - and finally found himself stationed in Palestine - where he befriended a priest.


It was about this time of year - Eastertide - and the soldier had some time off.

So the priest invited the soldier to walk the 7-mile 'Road to Emmaus' with him - in silence - and to imagine an encounter with the resurrected Christ.


That night, the soldier had a dream.

He dreamed that Jesus was on the cross.

And he heard him crying out:

"Judas!" he said.

"Where are you, I cannot complete my work without you!"

The women at the cross answered - 

They told Jesus that Judas had taken his life!

But Jesus wouldn't have it - he said:

"Judas! My work is not done unless everyone finds redemption."


And that's when Judas appeared - desperate and depressed - hung low with the weight of his sin. A smile came across Jesus' face - as he said, 'It is finished.'


The dream had a profound effect on the soldier.

Upon awakening, he made arrangements to go home for a visit - 

He hadn't been there for years.


And when he arrived, his parents were overjoyed to see him - 

Once he got settled in, he went on a walk with his younger brother.


The soldier recounted their time, so many years ago, in boarding school - and how guilty and regretful he had felt ever since the hazing incident.

The younger brother asked:

"Did you come all the way home just to say you're sorry?"

The older brother said, 'Yes.'


After they finished their walk, they returned to their home, and had a big family dinner.

The next day, the soldier packed up his belongings.

He got a ride to the train station from his family.

There were hugs, handshakes, and waves.

And as the soldier boarded the train, he paused, smiled, and began tearing up -

As he heard his younger brother singing.


For this soldier knew what we know - 

The weight of our sorrows and regrets take such a toll.

And that handing them over is a gift to ourselves and others.


Putting down the bowling ball brings freedom to us - and to others - it's called Good News.

