Sermons from St. David's

The Sixth Sense

Episode Summary

Sermon by The Very Rev Chris Yaw, 11/3/2024

Episode Transcription

Centering Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, may your will be done, through me.

I was driving through a rural area not long ago when I called my friend who picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"

And I said, "How you doing?"

There was a pause, then my friend said "Hello?" 

And again I said, "How you doing?" 

After another long pause, it was apparent that it was one of those phone calls that you make when you can hear them, but they can't hear you.

Or it happens in the middle of a phone call, And you start telling this really long story, only to discover that the other person quit hearing you after, like, the first three words. And you've been on a roll for the last 5 minutes talking to basically nobody...


Or does this only happen to me? 


But on All Saints Sunday, it makes me wonder if this is happening at a cosmic level, with our dearly departed - Can they hear us - and we can't hear them?

Have you ever imagined it? What's being said to you by those dearly beloved?

Some of us have heard their voices, of encouragement, "You studied so hard you were going to knock them dead!"


Some of us have heard their voices of correction, "Are you sure you prepared enough for that presentation?"

Some of us have heard their voices of criticism, "You are not leaving the house wearing that!"

Some of us have heard their voices of praise! "Great job on that project!"

We hear their voices!

And we miss their voices!


This is the sadness of All Saints Sunday. It is readily apparent - we lit candles - we wrote names - we revisited the losses of those dear to us - even our Gospel reading - which had Jesus raise Lazarus but only after spending most of the story in grief and loss - experiencing, and thus validating, what we did and do - when we lose a loved one! But we must not let our mourning carry the day - because that's not what Christianity is all about!

Jesus taught us that there is something more powerful than death!  He showed us this by raising Lazarus!


Paul taught us that we must not hang our heads in disarray and discouragement like the Gentiles who have no hope. 


And the Holy Spirit who led us here today has planted in our hearts that Spirit of courage, strength, and hope - for we see with the eyes of faith that our saints have not disappeared forever - but live on in that mysterious and mystical way God has ordered the world so that death is not final - it's just a major change of address...


And so today, along with Jesus, Paul, and the Holy Spirit - we cup our ears to hear the voices of the company of the saints in light - and listen for their voices - their encouragement, correction, inspiration.


What are they saying? I can hear a lot of them chiming in to say one thing specifically:

Don't you go getting all stressed out about this election!

Don't you go forgetting who you are - 

That you are God's, bought with the blood of everlasting love, who will no sooner forget about you, than a mother loses track of her newborn!


God is more than aware of the polls, politicians, and political machinations that are roiling this country and the world - than we can imagine.

God made us to build, rule, argue, and wrestle with Creation! That's what we do.

And God is not losing sleep over debates, rallies, insults, and poll numbers. So why are we?

Don't you go forgetting what your passport says!


You are a child of heaven - God's kingdom - this world is not your home! The saints might say, "We are sitting here waiting for you - preparing a place for you -

So don't get too attached down there - don’t get so invested - don't put all your eggs in this basket - Oh I know it's tempting – 


Our earthly senses - taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing - we are so familiar with them - 

But our job here on earth, dear Christian - and especially at church - is to hone another sense -

It's that sixth sense - that spiritual sense - that puts us better in tune with the Saints - 

Why did Jesus spend so much time praying? Memorizing scripture? Hanging around the temple? Because those are all really good ways to hone your sixth sense!


And your sixth sense will pick up what the Saints are saying - don't get too comfy here - don't think all that money, property, gold, and silver are all that important - Don't sell everything for that job title, because it's all going to rust - it's all going to burn. Instead, feather your nest with the things eternal: acts of love, charity, mercy, kindness, forgiveness, selflessness, and generosity.


Invest in those things that will last: caring for others, helping the poor, looking out for the elderly, the widows, and the vulnerable. 

Pitch in to make your community safer, cleaner, more peaceful. Put your time, talent, and treasure into the things God treasures!


Seek first the kingdom of God, and all God's righteousness – 


And so, go ahead, cast your vote, make your voice known - but remember that our salvation does not come from presidents, politicians, or social policies - 


It comes from the God you have in your heart who promised to provide, protect, and give you purpose! 


So take a deep breath, let that settle in, it's ok to relax, and smile because way before you're a Republican or a Democrat, you are God's.


You are salt, you are light!

Your sixth sense knows this - and invites us to live more deeply into it! 

And it's the same light the saints are now basking in -

The light at the end of the rainbow - The light Stephen Jobs saw when his gaze moved beyond the people gathered around his deathbed and he uttered his last words: "Oh wow, oh wow!"


All Saints Day brings us face to face with the work TS Elliot thought was the pinnacle of Chrisitan practice - that we are the ones tasked with telling the world the truths no one else will utter: That we are sinners in need of redemption and mortals stamped at birth with a "Sell By" date.


In a death-denying culture - where people only visit hospitals and funeral homes when they have to - Christians continue to make bold our declaration - That we need not fear death - that this inevitability is not to be shunned, avoided, or ignored - but that it is in our deepest fear we find our greatest hope al- this is what the Christian faith is all about.


It's what our sixth sense tells us - that there is hope - there are sparkly promises - made by a God who swears to honor them!


Years ago, as a broadcast reporter working on Christmas Day our assignment editor sent me an urgent message - that we had to get down to the homeless shelter where the homeless were being fed. And to do a news story on the event. 'Hurry!' he said, 'We just got word! This is a big news event!'


My photographer and exchanged knowing glances - because we had worked many Christmases - and we could never remember one when some homeless shelter somewhere was *not feeding hungry people on Christmas.

This was not news.


Neither is your and my impending demise. 

Saints, we're going to die. 

To quote that great theologian, Jim Morrison, nobody gets out of here alive, We are not getting younger by the minute. Our DeLorean will not take us back.

Yet amidst this reality - "Even to the grave we sing, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia -"


Yes, this, I suggest, is what the saints would have us to know on this pinnacle day:

Don't worry - this life passes by in a hurry and in flurry -

Do your best, speak your voice, give your life for the benefit of others;

Know your worth. You are so precious, so perfect - there is not another like you - and you are invaluable and irreplaceable in God's sight;


Don't be afraid of death. We're all headed there. But be more aware of the life that awaits. 

Get more in tune with your sixth sense - what does that look like for you today?


Don't get so bogged down in worry over the few days that remain - that you can't see the glory of the nearness of God that awaits! For there is a place where worry, pain, and toil cease! It has arrived - you have arrived - Don't be afraid to sing - even smile - even laugh – 


For death has been defeated - Jesus has won the victory – 

And you and me, my dear friends, are his honored guests!
